Abandoned Mine Ruins & Tacky Tourist Fits
We had the official Halloween/birthday bash last night and it was super fun! Unfortunately, we did not have time to coordinate the fairy costumes, so we ultimately decided on funny tshirts and tourist vibes– except for Emilie, she had the COOLEST costume. She came dressed as the man from the Operation board game. SO creative! We had lots of snacks and played some fun games too, overall a great time. Earlier in the week, my NSE coordinator invited all of the exchange students over for dinner and to show us around some creepy abandoned mine ruins over on Douglas Island (to get us in the Halloween spirit, of course). It was really fun to see everyone from orientation again and talk about our stays so far. Plus, it was super nice of him to make dinner for us (delicious too). My roommates and I also watercolored some more (hence the fat frog in the photos on the main page). Tonight, we’re planning on grabbing some milkshakes (or froyo– haven’t decided yet), going ice skating, and carving some pumpkins. I’ll post some pictures later from all the fun!
Sounds like you had a great Halloween. T-shirts are the way to go!